Precise Dosing for Healthy Drinks ! Sports and Fitness, Wellness, Beauty
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Precision dosing is what PowerCap Technology can do for beverages, health and wellness, or lab work. Liquid Health Labs, Inc. has specialized in precise dosing and infusion technology for nearly 15 years.
Think of K-Cup® for coffee and tea. We offer a single-serve pod product with a similar distribution model for health and wellness, PowerCap® Nutrition Pods™.
Precise dosing for suppliers helps limit degradation and increase stability, limit cost of ingredient overages, distributes beverages without the cost of shipping liquids, offers ingredients not stable in liquids expanding product opportunities, and helps meet label claims. When consumers have confidence in the dosage of ingredients on the label, your products and brand gain valuable consumer credibility.
Copyright © 2019 Liquid Health Labs - All Rights Reserved.
Committed To Providing Precision Dosing Everyday!